Workshop site

You will find complete information about the workshop on the workshop site:

The page you are reading is for handling registration and submission of the extended abstracts.

Using this page

Use this page to register for the workshop and upload the extended abstract of your talk.

After the workshop, you will be able to upload your contribution for peer review and publication in Acta Biotheoretica.

Workshop announcement

Angélique Stéphanou (TIMC Laboratory, Grenoble), Sergiu Ivanov (IBISC Laboratory, Evry) and I, Nicolas Glade (TIMC Laboratory, Grenoble) organize a large scope Workshop on the Atavistic Theory of Cancer (Atelier sur la Théorie Ataviste du Cancer).  We aim to bring together researchers from different domains (biology, medicine, computer science, mathematics, physics), and disciplines (cancer naturally, but also evolution, gene regulatory networks, morphogenesis, cell and tissue modelling, etc.), to discuss thisinterdisciplinary and emergent subject. Our immediate goal is to start collaborations around the modelling of tumorigenesis and cancer development, while the long-term objective is to better identify therapeutic targets, as well as to suggest new approaches to therapy.

We invite you to join us and to present your research.  We intend this as an opportunity to see each other again, and for some of us to meet for the first time.  We will also be happy to welcome your students, so we encourage them to come and give short presentations or display posters.

The event will start at 9:00 on Tuesday, June 7, 2022, and will end at 12:30 on Thursday, June 9.  It will take place in Grenoble, on the site of the CHU. The program will include short (15+5') and regular (30+10') talks, as well as 2 poster sessions. Talks will be held in English. The participants are invited to send us a title of their presentation and an extended abstract of at most one page.

After the event, you will receive an invitation to publish your work in a special issue of Acta Biotheoretica.  We expect the submissions to be open until November 2022, with gradual publication of the articles in the spring of 2023.

The registration for the workshop is free.  The organizers will cover the coffee breaks, the lunches, as well as the conference dinner on Tuesday evening.  The participants will cover their own lodging.

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